Identifying cracks in plastic oil tanks

Plastic tanks can deteriorate, buckle and bow under hot and cold conditions. It’s important to keep an eye out on any suspect marks, cracks or lightened areas of plastic. Regularly check your tank for even innocuous hairline cracks. These types of cracks can cause issues, particularly when a tank is refilled. Oil and diesel are too expensive to waste and the environmental damage caused by a leaking tank is massive as well as expensive to clean up.

Below are a few images of relatively innocent looking cracks that will cause future issues.

We advise calling an engineer if you are worried about your tank. Make a note to carry out inspections all year round so you can spot any potential issues.

Our sister company Suffolk Oil Solutions Ltd often receives calls about damaged tanks. Clients regularly wonder if they should replace their plastic tanks. We always advise calling a qualified engineer if you are worried about your tank. Carry out inspections all year round to spot any issues. To find out how to inspect your tank correctly, read our blog on inspections here.

A crack that started small and then buckled when the tank was filled
A very small crack which is hardly visible but can soon grow